Monday, September 28, 2009

A fair point


Talked to the Devil today, and every time I do, I always remembers one thing.

First, she is usually right, and wrong, if we put things into perspective. Second, she always makes a fair point. And last but not least... following her advice will always, always get you into trouble.

But at the end of the day... it is up to you to decide, whether or not you'll fall for it.

If you're like me, a saint that means no one harm, you'll ignore her and keep up your path far from temptations, and you will live happily ever after… that is, until you crumble up in despair when you take a long look to your life and all you’ve been missing out.

But if by any chance you are like the other me... a misogynous freak that always peeps to the other side of the fence, where the grass always seems greener, and unbelievably beautiful naked ladies lay on it... then my friend... you're in for the time of your life, just bear in mind that’s this only lasts till the devil comes to collect.

… and she will.

Obviously the devil here portrayed is representing a friend of mine, just in case you’re dumb enough to think that I actually talk to demons. But she’s right. Sometimes we forget to live life and spice up things a bit.

We all need passion, fun, laughter and joy, but we often fall into that predicament that ultimately leads us to routine.

The same old habits.

Giving up your way just to avoid small fights.

A night movie sometimes feels right… nightly movies don’t.

And bit by bit, all begins to taste the same, and the color of your life story begins to fade to gray.

Now I’m not telling you to go out and make a mess out of your life, to end up that relationship and bang every piece of meat you find in your way to the next bar.

But like my friend the devil says…

"We’re only here once… and if someone is dragging you back, there is a lot others that can at least make you smile in your way to the top."

And we all need joy.

A sense of freedom.

The right to want more.

The urge to have it here and now rather than there and later.

And as much we need to compromise on some things, in others we shouldn’t, because when you do…

You find yourself talking to the devil… and she is coming to collect.

Monday, September 07, 2009



Começar por explicar a condição que nos remete para uma vida a dois, é por si só empreitada a que não me atrevo a começar...
Sim amar é bom, dar a atenção e carinho que a outra parte deseja é crucial. Mimar e aconchegar-nos à lareira é impagável e dar o melhor de nós próprios à nossa outra metade é o segredo para uma vida a dois.

Mas por vezes...
... em raras, mas extraordinárias ocasiões, tudo o que é preciso é uma valente f***.

Tenho dito.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009



i don't really know what makes me more pissed. the lack of attention or my rejection to the contact.